Ambassadors Needed for Smithsonian Museum on Main Street Exhibit

Last Updated 12/16/2021

Osceola Chamber Main Street cordially invites your organization to serve as ambassadors for the Smithsonian Museum on Main Street exhibit: Voices and Votes: Democracy in America, coming to Osceola October 15- November 22.

Originally, we planned the exhibit for the historic depot, but with social distancing guidelines, we had to switch locations to the former Robinson's building.  This option offers plenty of room for all the pieces as well as any locally contributed displays.

The exhibit will be open Thursday-Saturday, 10am-3pm and Monday through Wednesday for special group tours such as school groups, church groups, etc.

We need ambassadors during the regular hours of operation.  We will follow the COVID-19 recommendations for distancing and masks are recommended. There will be a special area for our volunteers.  Duties include greeting guests, and directing them to literature we may have on hand, and calling attention to the directional cues we will provide throughout the exhibit area.

Another goal of this project is to provide local color to the exhibits. If you have any voter-related, or anything depicting democracy in action from the past or know of someone who may have a collection such as buttons, flyers, etc. we will have a special area for display.

Here is a brief explanation of the Museum on Main Street philosophy and exhibit pieces:

"Museum on Main Street (MoMS) offers Smithsonian access to small-town America through museum exhibitions, research, educational resources, and programming.  It is designed to engage residents and bring attention to rural communities and will hopefully become catalyst for conversations about life in small-town America pride." -

We hope your group will consider committing to a day or week of the tour (Thursday-Saturday, 10am-3pm).  You may display your group's name and have handouts or other visuals about your organization.  We will do everything possible to accommodate your schedules.

View Ambassador Schedule Here

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